FOOD: Caffe Gelato Hull

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92 Newland Avenue, Hull.

Having travelled across Europe and mainland Italy in the summer of 2013, I would say that I have eaten my fair share of quality, authentic ice-cream.

In the UK, an ice-cream van aside a children’s park, or a farmer’s stall offering homemade deliciousness at a summer fair is the best that we Brits can usually muster. However Caffe Gelato has given those in Hull with a sweet-tooth a new day-time and evening hangout.

With a wide variety of treats, cakes and even some savoury snacks the team at Gelato cater for all – whether you pay them a visit for some of their daily homemade sundaes, their experimental sorbets or perhaps for a slice of homemade quiche. You name it, they do it.

The only down-side to this extensive range of flavours and foods is obviously deciding which one to go with. I personally spent a good five minutes trying to whittle it down to two scoops that actually complement each other – but let’s face it, they all taste fantastic whether or not they ultimately mix.

In the end I opted for the ever popular ‘mint choc-chip’ followed by a dollop of their exclusive ‘ferrero roche’ gelato. Two excellent selections if I do say so myself, though I would undoubtedly be singing the same tune regardless of the flavour choice.

Having eaten gelato in places such as Rome and Florence, I have paid some extortionate prices for good ice-cream shall we say. Therefore I was almost expecting the price to be equally as inflated, judging by the high quality of Caffe Gelato’s produce.

I was however pleasantly surprised when I was asked for just £3.50 for an ice-cream that really was worth every penny. This was washed down with a fresh coffee, for an equally reasonable price – although to be brutally honest, I would expect nothing less at a café.

Still, the experience was as pleasant as could be; with a friendly atmosphere, a helpful set of staff and of course, the food that placed the metaphorical cherry on top of an equally sweet cake.

Therefore, I have no doubt whatsoever that this little gem will continue to flourish amidst Newland Avenue’s and Hull’s most successful establishments.

Having driven past Caffe Gelato on numerous occasions, the place never ceases to amaze me with a constant influx of happy diners. Almost every day, dozens of customers can be seen tucking into various Gelato delights whilst soaking up the (sporadic) summer sun outside the busy doors.

This alone indicates not only the high level of food and sweets they have on offer in abundance, but the full package; as the staff, the atmosphere and of course the ultimate drawing point, the value for money means the people of Hull have already warmed to this niche establishment.

Find Caffe Gelato Hull on social media for daytime offers and more information.

Facebook –
Twitter – @CaffeGelatoHull

FOOD: Caffe Gelato Hull