EVENT: Humber Street Sesh 2015 Review

 (all images and video material accredited to http://www.facebook.com/HumberStreetSesh)

It has now been almost a week since Humber Street Sesh 2015 and those who attended have had ample time to reflect on just how good a ‘sesh’ it really was.

The weather tried its best to put off the crowds, though the majority stood resilient in front of the many stages, or under the many tents dotted around on the day – and what a day it was.

Rather than reviewing each individual act or band, I will be (briefly) summing up the event as a whole and looking at what makes the Street Sesh so successful in these parts.


Each artist most definitely played their part (or parts) throughout what was without doubt the most impressive Street Sesh to date and I personally feel rather privileged to have attended.

With Luke Campbell and Tommy Coyle’s fight falling on the same evening – ever so coincidently – many initially thought that this may affect the number of people willing to see out Saturday’s ‘sesh’.

Of course a large number of Hull’s sports fans made a fleeting visit to Street Sesh before leaving for the KC Lightstream Stadium and I’m sure that this was a pretty good day all in all – I mean it isn’t everyday Hull hosts such a highly anticipated sporting event alongside Humber Street Sesh.

But for those of you who stuck it out at the marina, I am sure that you were not disappointed.

The one thing that really sets Street Sesh apart from a number of similar festivals in the surrounding area is the support and faith in Hull’s local talent.

Rather than relying on ‘marquee’ acts to attract the masses, Street Sesh provides a solid platform for the up and coming artists in the City of Culture’s catchment area.

Bands and artists of all levels were able to display their talents to people of all ages and it is this alone that I feel makes the festival what it is.

Humber Street Sesh’s organiser, Mark Page told Hull Daily Mail that “this is a festival for the people by the people” and those who attended Saturday’s event would now say exactly the same I’m sure.

From the word go, thousands flocked to the Fruit Market and the main stage on the marina, bringing families, children and relatives of all ages along for the day.

Although some may have not appreciated the wide range of musical talent on display, everyone (and I mean everyone) got into the spirit and supported each and every local artist without batting an eyelid.

On occasion some were slightly harder to withstand, however all in all the standard of the acts on show were impressive to say the least.

A number of acts already had a hardcore nucleus of fans in attendance, however for those who had less of a reputation; the reception from the crowd was equally as supportive.

No one was left to feel unwanted or out of their depth and I think that this says a lot for the people of Hull.

Organising a festival to support local acts alone is no easy task; however getting the crowd to read from the same hymn sheet is an even bigger task.

Thankfully this was achieved and this was done by simple, strategic planning and an offering of something for everyone.

Now, you may read the above hypothesis and think – ‘there must be more to a festival than that’ – but all in all, all anyone wants on a day like Saturday’s Humber Street Sesh is a well organised arena, housing the local communities’ best local talent.

This, I am very happy to say, was exactly what we as a city were given almost exactly one week ago and I can safely say that I cannot wait for Humber Street Sesh 2016 to surpass what was a brilliant day and night.

For those of you who want to relive Humber Street Sesh; here is a video link via their Facebook page (courtesy of Mark Richardson).


EVENT: Humber Street Sesh 2015 Review

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