The Hullture Hub


The Hullture Hub is here to assess our city’s most attractive assets. Whether it be the fact that Hull can now offer a variety of different eating experiences, a number of exclusive boutiques and of course the latest trends circulating this regions music scene.

A number of things have helped to kick-start Hull’s revival; this is almost certainly because we are now set to transform into Europe’s City of Culture come 2017 and it is this alone that has catapulted our beloved city’s, often-tarnished reputation, back to where it once was, and the people of Hull have continued to build on this title.

By either reviewing Hull’s hidden gems, or boosting already healthy reputations, Hullture Hub gives its readership vital dates, information and a structured opinion on what to do in some of the regions most popular and exciting establishments.

This could be perfect for the shopaholics, the many who swarm to Hull’s bars and clubs for a well-deserved weekend blowout, or to anyone looking for an insight into the soon to be, European City of Culture.


So what’s the point of this? I hear you ask.

Well, I myself like to think I do all of the above. However, with only TripAdvisor to really find out what Hull has to offer, in terms of restaurants at least, I feel that now is the time to reveal all that this wonderful city has to offer.

Although the almighty TripAdvisor is undoubtedly an ingenious and often life-saving tool – when it comes to making a spontaneous ‘foody’ decision at least – personally I have become tired of scrolling through the same eateries over and over again.

Like I stated above, the idea behind the rating system works perfectly, however with a number of reviews somewhat contradicting each other – after all we are all entitled to a different opinion – I don’t believe this does the restaurants and other businesses who are trying to build a reputation (quickly) much good.

This is why Hullture Hub promises to offer a level-headed opinion, not only to provide our readership with some exclusive facts about the ‘go-to places’, but to give Hull’s small businesses a helping hand too.


Well the list could go on for some time, but I wont bore you with promise after promise. However I will say this…

Hullture Hub will deliver the latest lifestyle news from around the area; there is no doubt about that. However what sets us apart, is the fact that the Hub will not only advise on what to do, but how to do it too (without teaching you how to suck eggs of course).

Our fun approach will hopefully give you some ideas of what to do in your free time, all year round, or at least give those of you who are at university something to look forward to when you eventually return home to the mother land.

So, after boring you to death with our aims and what you can expect to see from us, we at the Hullture Hub hope to see you very soon when our first official blog is released. 

Image by @samcawley
The Hullture Hub

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